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dspy.Bedrock, dspy.Sagemaker


The AWSProvider class is the base class for the AWS providers - dspy.Bedrock and dspy.Sagemaker. An instance of one of these providers is passed to the constructor when creating an instance of an AWS model class (e.g., dspy.AWSMistral) that is ultimately used to query the model.

# Notes:
# 1. Install boto3 to use AWS models.
# 2. Configure your AWS credentials with the AWS CLI before using these models

# initialize the bedrock aws provider
bedrock = dspy.Bedrock(region_name="us-west-2")

# initialize the sagemaker aws provider
sagemaker = dspy.Sagemaker(region_name="us-west-2")


The Bedrock constructor initializes the base class AWSProvider.

class Bedrock(AWSProvider):
"""This class adds support for Bedrock models."""

def __init__(
region_name: str,
profile_name: Optional[str] = None,
batch_n_enabled: bool = False, # This has to be setup manually on Bedrock.
) -> None:


  • region_name (str): The AWS region where this LM is hosted.
  • profile_name (str, optional): boto3 credentials profile.
  • batch_n_enabled (bool): If False, call the LM N times rather than batching.


def call_model(self, model_id: str, body: str) -> str:

This function implements the actual invocation of the model on AWS using the boto3 provider.

Sagemaker works exactly the same as Bedrock.