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dspy.AWSMistral, dspy.AWSAnthropic, dspy.AWSMeta


# Notes:
# 1. Install boto3 to use AWS models.
# 2. Configure your AWS credentials with the AWS CLI before using these models

# initialize the bedrock aws provider
bedrock = dspy.Bedrock(region_name="us-west-2")
# For mixtral on Bedrock
lm = dspy.AWSMistral(bedrock, "mistral.mixtral-8x7b-instruct-v0:1", **kwargs)
# For haiku on Bedrock
lm = dspy.AWSAnthropic(bedrock, "anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0", **kwargs)
# For llama2 on Bedrock
lm = dspy.AWSMeta(bedrock, "meta.llama2-13b-chat-v1", **kwargs)

# initialize the sagemaker aws provider
sagemaker = dspy.Sagemaker(region_name="us-west-2")
# For mistral on Sagemaker
# Note: you need to create a Sagemaker endpoint for the mistral model first
lm = dspy.AWSMistral(sagemaker, "<YOUR_MISTRAL_ENDPOINT_NAME>", **kwargs)


The AWSMistral constructor initializes the base class AWSModel which itself inherits from the LM class.

class AWSMistral(AWSModel):
"""Mistral family of models."""

def __init__(
aws_provider: AWSProvider,
model: str,
max_context_size: int = 32768,
max_new_tokens: int = 1500,
) -> None:


  • aws_provider (AWSProvider): The aws provider to use. One of dspy.Bedrock or dspy.Sagemaker.
  • model (str): Mistral AI pretrained models. For Bedrock, this is the Model ID in For Sagemaker, this is the endpoint name.
  • max_context_size (Optional[int], optional): Max context size for this model. Defaults to 32768.
  • max_new_tokens (Optional[int], optional): Max new tokens possible for this model. Defaults to 1500.
  • **kwargs: Additional language model arguments to pass to the API provider.


def _format_prompt(self, raw_prompt: str) -> str:

This function formats the prompt for the model. Refer to the model card for the specific formatting required.

def _create_body(self, prompt: str, **kwargs) -> tuple[int, dict[str, str | float]]:

This function creates the body of the request to the model. It takes the prompt and any additional keyword arguments and returns a tuple of the number of tokens to generate and a dictionary of keys including the prompt used to create the body of the request.

def _call_model(self, body: str) -> str:

This function calls the model using the provider call_model() function and extracts the generated text (completion) from the provider-specific response.

The above model-specific methods are called by the AWSModel::basic_request() method, which is the main method for querying the model. This method takes the prompt and any additional keyword arguments and calls the AWSModel::_simple_api_call() which then delegates to the model-specific _create_body() and _call_model() methods to create the body of the request, call the model and extract the generated text.

Refer to dspy.OpenAI documentation for information on the LM base class functionality.

AWSAnthropic and AWSMeta work exactly the same as AWSMistral.