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PremAI is an all-in-one platform that simplifies the process of creating robust, production-ready applications powered by Generative AI. By streamlining the development process, PremAI allows you to concentrate on enhancing user experience and driving overall growth for your application.


Refer to the quick start guide to getting started with the PremAI platform, create your first project and grab your API key.


Please make sure you have premai python sdk installed. Otherwise you can do it using this command:

pip install -U premai

Here is a quick example on how to use premai python sdk with DSPy

from dspy import PremAI

llm = PremAI(model='mistral-tiny', project_id=123, api_key="your-premai-api-key")
print(llm("what is a large language model"))

Please note: Project ID 123 is just an example. You can find your project ID inside our platform under which you created your project.


The constructor initializes the base class LM and verifies the api_key provided or defined through the PREMAI_API_KEY environment variable.

class PremAI(LM):
def __init__(
model: str,
project_id: int,
api_key: str,
base_url: Optional[str] = None,
session_id: Optional[int] = None,
) -> None:


  • model (str): Models supported by PremAI. Example: mistral-tiny. We recommend using the model selected in project launchpad.
  • project_id (int): The project id which contains the model of choice.
  • api_key (Optional[str], optional): API provider from PremAI. Defaults to None.
  • **kwargs: Additional language model arguments will be passed to the API provider.


__call__(self, prompt: str, **kwargs) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]

Retrieves completions from PremAI by calling request.

Internally, the method handles the specifics of preparing the request prompt and corresponding payload to obtain the response.


  • prompt (str): Prompt to send to PremAI.
  • **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for completion request. Example: parameters like temperature, max_tokens etc. You can find all the additional kwargs here.

Prem Templates

Writing Prompt Templates can be super messy. Prompt templates are long, hard to manage, and must be continuously tweaked to improve and keep the same throughout the application.

With Prem, writing and managing prompts can be super easy. The Templates tab inside the launchpad helps you write as many prompts as you need and use it inside the SDK to make your application run using those prompts. You can read more about Prompt Templates here.

Using templates in DSPy is quite easy. First, here is an example of a prompt template that you store / re-iterate inside Prem.

template = """
Summarize the following content by creating a bullet point list and return it in json

Please note: Prompt templates are not defined in Python code. Here is an example of a Template, which has an associated template id.

Assuming this prompt template is stored under a template with id: 78069ce8-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxx:

from dspy import PremAI

client = PremAI(project_id=1234)
template_id = "78069ce8-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxx"

msg = """
I am playing in a garden on a fine sunday
evening. I then went to my friend Tara's place
and then went for movies in the city center mall.

response = client(
params={"content": msg}


When you use templates, there is no need to place msg / prompt inside the prompt argument. DSPy only accepts string prompts to conduct LLM requests, but we might require multiple string inputs when using templates. Templates allow you to provide additional inputs (key:value pairs) within the params argument, which should be mapped with the template variable. Our example template had one variable content, so our params become: {"content": msg}.

Native RAG Support

PremAI Repositories allow users to upload documents (.txt, .pdf, etc.) and connect those repositories to the LLMs to serve as vector databases and support native RAG. You can learn more about PremAI repositories here.

Repositories are also supported through the dspy-premai integration. Here is how you can use this workflow:

query = "what is the diameter of individual Galaxy"
repository_ids = [1991, ]
repositories = dict(

First, we start by defining our repository with some valid repository ids. You can learn more about how to get the repository id here.

Note: This is similar to LM integrations where now you are overriding the repositories connected in the launchpad when you invoke the argument' repositories'.

Now, we connect the repository with our chat object to invoke RAG-based generations.

response = llm(query, max_tokens=100, repositories=repositories)

print(json.dumps(llm.history, indent=4))

Here is what an example generation would look like with PremAI Repositories.

'The diameters of individual galaxies range from 80,000-150,000 light-years.'
"prompt": "what is the diameter of individual Galaxy",
"response": "The diameters of individual galaxies range from 80,000-150,000 light-years.",
"document_chunks": [
"repository_id": 1991,
"document_id": 1307,
"chunk_id": 173926,
"document_name": "Kegy 202 Chapter 2",
"similarity_score": 0.586126983165741,
"content": "n thousands\n of light-years. The diameters of individual\n galaxies range from 80,000-150,000 light\n "
"kwargs": {
"max_tokens": 100,
"repositories": {
"ids": [
"similarity_threshold": 0.3,
"limit": 3
"raw_kwargs": {
"max_tokens": 100,
"repositories": {
"ids": [
"similarity_threshold": 0.3,
"limit": 3

So this also means that you do not need to create your own RAG pipeline when using the PremAI Platform and can instead take advantage of its local RAG technology to deliver best-in-class performance for Retrieval Augmented Generations.

Ideally, you do not need to connect Repository IDs here to get Retrieval Augmented Generations. You can still get the same result if you have connected the repositories in PremAI platform.