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lm = dspy.Databricks(model="databricks-mpt-30b-instruct")


The constructor inherits from the GPT3 class and verifies the Databricks authentication credentials for using Databricks Model Serving API through the OpenAI SDK. We expect the following environment variables to be set:

  • openai.api_key: Databricks API key.
  • openai.base_url: Databricks Model Endpoint url

The kwargs attribute is initialized with default values for relevant text generation parameters needed for communicating with the Databricks OpenAI SDK, such as temperature, max_tokens, top_p, and n. However, it removes the frequency_penalty and presence_penalty arguments as these are not currently supported by the Databricks API.

class Databricks(GPT3):
def __init__(
model: str,
api_key: Optional[str] = None,
api_base: Optional[str] = None,
model_type: Literal["chat", "text"] = None,


  • model (str): models hosted on Databricks.
  • stop (List[str], optional): List of stopping tokens to end generation.
  • api_key (Optional[str]): Databricks API key. Defaults to None
  • api_base (Optional[str]): Databricks Model Endpoint url Defaults to None.
  • model_type (Literal["chat", "text", "embeddings"]): Specified model type to use.
  • **kwargs: Additional language model arguments to pass to the API provider.


Refer to dspy.OpenAI documentation.