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This guide provides instructions on how to use the GoogleVertexAI class to interact with Google Vertex AI's API for text and code generation.


  • Python 3.10 or higher.
  • The vertexai package installed, which can be installed via pip.
  • A Google Cloud account and a configured project with access to Vertex AI.


Ensure you have installed the vertexai package along with other necessary dependencies:

pip install dspy-ai[google-vertex-ai]


Before using the GoogleVertexAI class, you need to set up access to Google Cloud:

  1. Create a project in Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
  2. Enable the Vertex AI API for your project.
  3. Create authentication credentials and save them in a JSON file.


Here's an example of how to instantiate the GoogleVertexAI class and send a text generation request:

from dsp.modules import GoogleVertexAI  # Import the GoogleVertexAI class

# Initialize the class with the model name and parameters for Vertex AI
vertex_ai = GoogleVertexAI(

Customizing Requests

You can customize requests by passing additional parameters such as temperature, max_output_tokens, and others supported by the Vertex AI API. This allows you to control the behavior of the text generation.

Important Notes

  • Make sure you have correctly set up access to Google Cloud to avoid authentication issues.
  • Be aware of the quotas and limits of the Vertex AI API to prevent unexpected interruptions in service.

With this guide, you're ready to use GoogleVertexAI for interacting with Google Vertex AI's text and code generation services.