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  1. Install the required packages using the following commands:

    pip install --no-deps --pre --force-reinstall mlc-ai-nightly-cu118 mlc-chat-nightly-cu118 -f
    pip install transformers
    git lfs install

    Adjust the pip wheels according to your OS/platform by referring to the provided commands in MLC packages.

Running MLC Llama-2 models

  1. Create a directory for prebuilt models:

    mkdir -p dist/prebuilt
  2. Clone the necessary libraries from the repository:

    git clone dist/prebuilt/lib
    cd dist/prebuilt
  3. Choose a Llama-2 model from MLC LLMs and clone the model repository:

    git clone
  4. Initialize the ChatModuleClient within your program with the desired parameters. Here's an example call:

    llama = dspy.ChatModuleClient(model='dist/prebuilt/mlc-chat-Llama-2-7b-chat-hf-q4f16_1', model_path='dist/prebuilt/lib/')

Please refer to the official MLC repository for more detailed information and documentation.