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def TypedChainOfThought(signature, max_retries=3) -> dspy.Module

Adds a Chain of Thoughts dspy.OutputField to the dspy.TypedPredictor module by prepending it to the Signature. Similar to dspy.TypedPredictor but automatically adds a "reasoning" output field.

  • Inputs:
    • signature: The dspy.Signature specifying the input/output fields
    • max_retries: Maximum number of retries if outputs fail validation
  • Output: A dspy.Module instance capable of making predictions.


from dspy import InputField, OutputField, Signature
from dspy.functional import TypedChainOfThought
from pydantic import BaseModel

# We define a pydantic type that automatically checks if it's argument is valid python code.
class CodeOutput(BaseModel):
code: str
api_reference: str

class CodeSignature(Signature):
function_description: str = InputField()
solution: CodeOutput = OutputField()

cot_predictor = TypedChainOfThought(CodeSignature)
prediction = cot_predictor(
function_description="Write a function that adds two numbers."
