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About DSPy

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DSPy is a framework for algorithmically optimizing LM prompts and weights, especially when LMs are used one or more times within a pipeline. To use LMs to build a complex system without DSPy, you generally have to: (1) break the problem down into steps, (2) prompt your LM well until each step works well in isolation, (3) tweak the steps to work well together, (4) generate synthetic examples to tune each step, and (5) use these examples to finetune smaller LMs to cut costs. Currently, this is hard and messy: every time you change your pipeline, your LM, or your data, all prompts (or finetuning steps) may need to change.

To make this more systematic and much more powerful, DSPy does two things. First, it separates the flow of your program (modules) from the parameters (LM prompts and weights) of each step. Second, DSPy introduces new optimizers, which are LM-driven algorithms that can tune the prompts and/or the weights of your LM calls, given a metric you want to maximize.

DSPy can routinely teach powerful models like GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 and local models like T5-base or Llama2-13b to be much more reliable at tasks, i.e. having higher quality and/or avoiding specific failure patterns. DSPy optimizers will "compile" the same program into different instructions, few-shot prompts, and/or weight updates (finetunes) for each LM. This is a new paradigm in which LMs and their prompts fade into the background as optimizable pieces of a larger system that can learn from data. tldr; less prompting, higher scores, and a more systematic approach to solving hard tasks with LMs.

Analogy to Neural Networks

When we build neural networks, we don't write manual for-loops over lists of hand-tuned floats. Instead, you might use a framework like PyTorch to compose layers (e.g., Convolution or Dropout) and then use optimizers (e.g., SGD or Adam) to learn the parameters of the network.

Ditto! DSPy gives you the right general-purpose modules (e.g. ChainOfThought, ReAct, etc.), which replace string-based prompting tricks. To replace prompt hacking and one-off synthetic data generators, DSPy also gives you general optimizers (BootstrapFewShotWithRandomSearch or MIPRO), which are algorithms that update parameters in your program. Whenever you modify your code, your data, your assertions, or your metric, you can compile your program again and DSPy will create new effective prompts that fit your changes.