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DSPy Use Cases

We often get questions like "How are people using DSPy in practice?", both in production and for research. This list was created to collect a few pointers and to encourage others in the community to add their own work below.

This list is ever expanding and highly incomplete (WIP)! We'll be adding a bunch more. If you would like to add your product or research to this list, please make a PR.

A Few Company Use Cases

Name Use Cases
JetBlue Multiple chatbot use cases. Blog
Replit Synthesize diffs using code LLMs using a DSPy pipeline. Blog
Databricks Research, products, and customer solutions around LM Judges, RAG, classification, and other applications. Blog Blog II
Sephora Undisclosed agent usecases; perspectives shared in DAIS Session.
Zoro UK E-commerce applications around structured shopping. Portkey Session
VMware RAG and other prompt optimization applications. Interview in The Register. Business Insider.
Haize Labs Automated red-teaming for LLMs. Blog
Plastic Labs Different pipelines within Honcho. Blog
PingCAP Building a knowledge graph. Article
Salomatic Enriching medical reports using DSPy. Blog
Truelaw How Truelaw builds bespoke LLM pipelines for law firms using DSPy. Podcast
Moody's Leveraging DSPy to optimize RAG systems, LLM-as-a-Judge, and agentic systems for financial workflows.
Normal Computing Translate specs from chip companies from English to intermediate formal languages
Procure.FYI Process messy, publicly available technology spending and pricing data via DSPy.
RadiantLogic AI Data Assistant. DSPy is used for the agent that routes the query, the context extraction module, the text-to-sql conversion engine, and the table summarization module.
Raia Using DSPy for AI-powered Personal Healthcare Agents.
Hyperlint Uses DSPy to generate technical documentation. DSPy helps to fetch relevant information and synthesize that into tutorials.
Starops & Saya Building research documents given a user's corpus. Generate prompts to create more articles from example articles.
Tessel AI Enhancing human-machine interaction with data use cases. Uses DSPy for marketing AI to get the most from their paid ads.
Howie Using DSPy to automate meeting scheduling through email. Building custom integrations using DSPy.
Trampoline AI Uses DSPy to power their data-augmentation and LM pipelines.
Pretrain Uses DSPy to automatically optimize AI performance towards user-defined tasks based on uploaded examples.

WIP. This list mainly includes companies that have public posts or have OKed being included for specific products so far.

A Few Papers Using DSPy

Name Description
STORM Writing Wikipedia-like Articles From Scratch.
PATH Prompts as Auto-Optimized Training Hyperparameters: Training Best-in-Class IR Models from Scratch with 10 Gold Labels
WangLab @ MEDIQA UofT's winning system at MEDIQA, outperforms the next best system by 20 points
UMD's Suicide Detection System Outperforms 20-hour expert human prompt engineering by 40%
IReRa Infer-Retrieve-Rank: Extreme Classification with > 10,000 Labels
Unreasonably Effective Eccentric Prompts General Prompt Optimization
Palimpzest A Declarative System for Optimizing AI Workloads
AI Agents that Matter Agent Efficiency Optimization
EDEN Empathetic Dialogues for English Learning: Uses adaptive empathetic feedback to improve student grit
ECG-Chat Uses DSPy with GraphRAG for medical report generation
DSPy Assertions Various applications of imposing hard and soft constraints on LM outputs
DSPy Guardrails Reduce the attack success rate of CodeAttack, decreasing from 75% to 5%
Co-STORM Collaborative STORM: Generate Wikipedia-like articles through collaborative discourse among users and multiple LM agents

A Few Repositories (or other OSS examples) using DSPy

Name Description/Link
Stanford CS 224U Homework Github
STORM Report Generation (10,000 GitHub stars) Github
DSPy Redteaming Github
DSPy Theory of Mind Github
Indic cross-lingual Natural Language Inference Github
Optimizing LM for Text2SQL using DSPy Github
DSPy PII Masking Demo by Eric Ness Colab
DSPy on BIG-Bench Hard Example Github
Building a chess playing agent using DSPy Github
Ittia Research Fact Checking Github
Strategic Debate via Tree-of-Thought Github
Sanskrit to English Translation App Github
DSPy for extracting features from PDFs on arXiv Github
DSPygen: DSPy in Ruby on Rails Github
DSPy Inspector Github
DSPy with FastAPI Github
DSPy for Indian Languages Github
Hurricane: Blog Posts with Generative Feedback Loops! Github
RAG example using DSPy, Gradio, FastAPI, and Ollama Github
Synthetic Data Generation Github
Self Discover Github

TODO: This list in particular is highly incomplete. There are a couple dozen other good ones.

Name Link
Databricks Link
Zenbase Link
LangWatch Link
Gradient Link
Snowflake Link
Langchain Link
Weaviate Link
Qdrant Link
Weights & Biases Weave Link
Milvus Link
Neo4j Link
Lightning AI Link
Haystack Link
Arize Link
LlamaIndex Link
Langtrace Link
Langfuse Link

A Few Blogs & Videos on using DSPy

Name Link
Blog Posts
Why I bet on DSPy Blog
Not Your Average Prompt Engineering Blog
Why I'm excited about DSPy Blog
Achieving GPT-4 Performance at Lower Cost Link
Prompt engineering is a task best left to AI models Link
What makes DSPy a valuable framework for developing complex language model pipelines? Link
DSPy: A new framework to program your foundation models just by prompting Link
Intro to DSPy: Goodbye Prompting, Hello Programming Link
DSPyGen: Revolutionizing AI Link
Building an AI Assistant with DSPy Link
DSPy Explained! (60K views) Link
DSPy Intro from Sephora (25K views) Link
Structured Outputs with DSPy Link
DSPy and ColBERT - Weaviate Podcast Link
SBTB23 DSPy Link
Optimization with DSPy and LangChain Link
Automated Prompt Engineering + Visualization Link
Transforming LM Calls into Pipelines Link
NeurIPS Hacker Cup: DSPy for Code Gen Link
MIPRO and DSPy - Weaviate Podcast Link
Getting Started with RAG in DSPy Link
Adding Depth to DSPy Programs Link
Programming Foundation Models with DSPy Link
DSPy End-to-End: SF Meetup Link
Monitoring & Tracing DSPy with Langtrace Link
Teaching chat models to solve chess puzzles using DSPy + Finetuning Link

TODO: This list in particular is highly incomplete. There are dozens of other good ones. To allow space, divide into opintionated blogs / podcasts / interviews vs. tutorials & talks.

Credit: Some of these resources were originally compiled in the Awesome DSPy repo.

Weaviate has a directory of 10 amazing notebooks and 6 podcasts!

Huge shoutout to them for the massive support ❤️. See the Weaviate DSPy directory.